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Farming Practices

Welcome to Kezama Farm, where we grow culturally relevant African vegetable crops. Our farm is dedicated to sustainable agriculture practices and providing our local community with fresh, healthy produce. You can read about some of our farming practices below!

Crop Diversity
Kezama takes pride in divesity and that is reflected in the crops that we grow. We understand that all people have a role to play in this world and so do our crops. Our crop diversity reduces our need for pesticides, fertilizer; and helps promote life within the soil and surrounding environment.
Water Conservation
In our countries of origin, water is a scare resource. And thus, we wanted to ensure that we treated it as the valuable resource that is here in Washington. This is why all of our produce is grown strictly using high efficiency drip irrigation.
We Regenerate Our Soil
Previous land owners had depleted our soil of organic matter and life. We are actively regenerating our soil by adding organic compost, using low-till farming practices, and organic slow-release fertilizers. This has resulted in better soil quality that is now full of life.
Only Organic Materials
As farmers we love people and the environment, which is why we only use certified organic materials to keep both safe. This choice comes at a financial cost, but we believe it is worth the price!
We Enrich the Life in our Soil
We use a local organic certified biofertilizer that is rich in soil and plant probiotics made by a company called Chomp. The biofertilizer is made from food waste using anaerobic digestion technology. We take pride in helping close our local food waste loop by applying it to our farm as a valuable amendment. Learn more here: Chomp
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